Q: Can I cancel an order after I have made a purchase?
A: Unfortunately, once an order is made we cannot cancel it or offer a refund.

Q: What if I entered the incorrect mailing address?
A: Please note that delivery addresses cannot be changed after you have completed the payment. Therefore, if you find any errors in your shipping details, please contact us as soon as possible at support@jkrewproducts.com. If your order hasn't been dispatched, we will cancel it and issue a refund. You may then place your order again and provide the correct shipping details.
Q: Returns and Replacements
A: Customer satisfaction is our goal. Should you wish to return your product for any reason, please contact us at support@jkrewproducts.com to arrange a refund less shipping charges. Please note we can only accept returns for unopened and unused products within 14 days of receipt. For goods damaged in transit, please contact us to arrange a replacement.

Q: Where does JKrew ship to?
A: JKrew ships to the US, Canada, Australia, Asia and Europe.

Q: What if I live in the UK?
A: If you live in the UK or Europe, you can purchase JKrew Super Klay at https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/384447636168

Q: When will my package be delivered?
A: All US orders will be delivered in three to four business days. International orders may take up to 15 business days. Due to the present COVID situation, we are currently experiencing delivery delays. Your understanding is appreciated.
Q: Are international customers responsible for paying customs duty and taxes?
A: Yes. You are responsible for any fees, duties, or taxes required by customs.
Q: Where do you deliver?
A: We ship to USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. For all other countries, please contact us at support@jkrewproducts.com to request a shipping quote.
Q: Is Super Klay safe for my kids?
A: Our products have been tested and certified safe by a 3rd party laboratory. All JKrew products meet USA toy safety standards.
Q: I couldn't find the answer I'm looking for here, what do I do now?
A: Send us an email! Our customer service team will be happy to help with any other question you may have! Send your name and question to support@jkrewproducts.com. Our hours of operation for customer service are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Australian Eastern Standard Time, excluding weekends and major holidays. Our customer service teams will do their best to respond as quickly as possible, however please allow 24 - 48 hours to receive a response.